JOHNSON CITY, TN—August 14, 2024—Ntara’s latest white paper was written to help consumer brands and industrial manufacturers get a more significant return on investment from product information management (PIM) software.

The paper, titled Three ways to unlock radical ROI from PIM, delivers insight into three key ways that digitally mature businesses can unlock more significant ROI from PIM.

  1. Integrations that enable automation and syndication
  2. Publication automation to automate product catalogs
  3. Generative AI to supplement manual content processes

“Manufacturers invest heavily into PIM software, in terms of both money and resources, because they know they need it,” says Jeff Morris, President & CEO of Ntara.

“It requires a significant investment of resources, and companies expect a return on that investment. We created this paper to educate them about how integrating PIM software further into their business will improve profitably.”

The paper states that establishing a “single source of truth” or a “golden record” for product data is no longer enough. Modern, digitally mature businesses need ways to satisfy the increasing demands of an omnichannel market.

Download the ebook here to learn more.

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